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( ! ) Warning: Attempt to assign property '_fields' of non-object in /home/omring/domains/ on line 512
Call Stack
10.0017405904{main}( ).../index.php:0
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323.422234274832YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->doExecute( ).../Executor.php:157
333.422334274832YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->executeOperation( $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { public string $kind = 'SelectionSet'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $selections = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }, $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { public $id = 2; 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363.440334555760YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:641
373.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
383.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeListValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $results = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:871
393.440334556168YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:985
403.440334556200YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
413.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeObjectValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:893
423.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->collectAndExecuteSubfields( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1211
433.449534674536YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->executeFields( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $fields = class ArrayObject { private $storage = ['title' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'teaser' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'link' => class ArrayObject { ... }] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1256
443.449634675528YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveField( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser'], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1317
453.449634675752YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveFieldValueOrError( $fieldDef = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Argument { ... }]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'FieldDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\TypeNode $type = *uninitialized*; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = ['type' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... }, 'args' => [...], 'metadata' => [...], 'extensions' => [...], 'name' => 'teaser', 'directives' => [...]]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] } }, $fieldNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { public string $kind = 'Field'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { public string $kind = 'Name'; public string $value = 'teaser'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $alias = NULL; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }, $resolveFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { protected $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { ... }; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $types = [...]; protected $loadedTypes = [...]; protected $directives = [...] }, 1 => 'resolveField'], $rootValue = 1, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:632
463.451534678216YOOtheme\GraphQL\SchemaBuilder->resolveField( $value = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], $context = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:714
473.451634678768YOOtheme\GraphQL\Utils\Middleware->__invoke( ...$arguments = variadic(1, ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }) ).../SchemaBuilder.php:309
483.451634679232YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Source\Type\ArticleType::teaser( $article = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../Middleware.php:42
493.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getField( $name = 'excerpt', $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../ArticleType.php:574
503.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getFields( $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../FieldsType.php:502

( ! ) Warning: Attempt to modify property '_fields' of non-object in /home/omring/domains/ on line 523
Call Stack
10.0017405904{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0032417448require_once( '/home/omring/domains/ ).../index.php:32
30.36508273768Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( ).../app.php:61
40.36848505648Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:293
52.264223065376Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:249
62.266023093936Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_content', $params = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:208
72.367023367816Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch( ).../ComponentHelper.php:361
82.367123367816Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch( ).../Dispatcher.php:56
92.385723494664Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'display' ).../ComponentDispatcher.php:143
102.385723494664Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Controller\DisplayController->display( $cachable = ???, $urlparams = ??? ).../BaseController.php:693
112.396223562360Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display( $cachable = TRUE, $urlparams = ['catid' => 'INT', 'id' => 'INT', 'cid' => 'ARRAY', 'year' => 'INT', 'month' => 'INT', 'limit' => 'UINT', 'limitstart' => 'UINT', 'showall' => 'INT', 'return' => 'BASE64', 'filter' => 'STRING', 'filter_order' => 'CMD', 'filter_order_Dir' => 'CMD', 'filter-search' => 'STRING', 'print' => 'BOOLEAN', 'lang' => 'CMD', 'Itemid' => 'INT'] ).../DisplayController.php:121
122.420923706464Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get( $view = class Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView { protected $item = class stdClass { public $id = 2; public $asset_id = 91; public $title = 'Nieuws'; public $alias = 'nieuws'; public $introtext = ' <h1>Nieuws</h1>\r\n<div>\r\n\r\n \r\n</div>\r\n'; public $fulltext = '<!-- {"type":"layout","children":[{"type":"section","props":{"class":"headerCustom","image_position":"center-center","style":"default","title_breakpoint":"xl","title_position":"top-left","title_rotation":"left","vertical_align":"middle","width":"default"},"children":[{"type":"row","props":{"class":"dottedborderWit"},"children":[{"type":"column","props":{"image_position":"center-center","media_overlay_gradient":"","position_sticky_breakpoint":"m"},"children":[{"type":"headline","props":{"content":"Nieuws","t'...; public $state = 1; public $catid = 2; public $created = '2022-12-14 15:02:14'; public $created_by = 304; public $created_by_alias = ''; 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132.421923725400Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView->display( $tpl = ??? ).../ViewController.php:95
142.662825261896Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView->dispatchEvent( $event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE } ).../HtmlView.php:227
152.662825261896Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onContentPrepare', $event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE } ).../AbstractView.php:312
162.665225304080YOOtheme\Application\EventLoader->YOOtheme\Application\{closure:/home/omring/domains/}( ...$arguments = variadic(class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE }) ).../Dispatcher.php:486
172.665225304552YOOtheme\Container->call( $callback = 'YOOtheme\\Builder\\Joomla\\Listener\\RenderBuilderPage@handle', $parameters = [0 => class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [...]; protected $stopped = FALSE }], $resolve = ??? ).../EventLoader.php:59
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363.440334555760YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:641
373.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
383.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeListValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $results = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:871
393.440334556168YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:985
403.440334556200YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
413.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeObjectValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:893
423.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->collectAndExecuteSubfields( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1211
433.449534674536YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->executeFields( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $fields = class ArrayObject { private $storage = ['title' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'teaser' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'link' => class ArrayObject { ... }] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1256
443.449634675528YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveField( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser'], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1317
453.449634675752YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveFieldValueOrError( $fieldDef = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Argument { ... }]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'FieldDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\TypeNode $type = *uninitialized*; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = ['type' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... }, 'args' => [...], 'metadata' => [...], 'extensions' => [...], 'name' => 'teaser', 'directives' => [...]]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] } }, $fieldNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { public string $kind = 'Field'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { public string $kind = 'Name'; public string $value = 'teaser'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $alias = NULL; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }, $resolveFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { protected $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { ... }; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $types = [...]; protected $loadedTypes = [...]; protected $directives = [...] }, 1 => 'resolveField'], $rootValue = 1, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:632
463.451534678216YOOtheme\GraphQL\SchemaBuilder->resolveField( $value = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], $context = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:714
473.451634678768YOOtheme\GraphQL\Utils\Middleware->__invoke( ...$arguments = variadic(1, ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }) ).../SchemaBuilder.php:309
483.451634679232YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Source\Type\ArticleType::teaser( $article = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../Middleware.php:42
493.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getField( $name = 'excerpt', $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../ArticleType.php:574
503.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getFields( $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../FieldsType.php:502

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property '_fields' of non-object in /home/omring/domains/ on line 527
Call Stack
10.0017405904{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0032417448require_once( '/home/omring/domains/ ).../index.php:32
30.36508273768Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( ).../app.php:61
40.36848505648Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:293
52.264223065376Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:249
62.266023093936Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_content', $params = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:208
72.367023367816Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch( ).../ComponentHelper.php:361
82.367123367816Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch( ).../Dispatcher.php:56
92.385723494664Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'display' ).../ComponentDispatcher.php:143
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363.440334555760YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:641
373.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
383.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeListValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $results = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:871
393.440334556168YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:985
403.440334556200YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
413.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeObjectValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:893
423.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->collectAndExecuteSubfields( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1211
433.449534674536YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->executeFields( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $fields = class ArrayObject { private $storage = ['title' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'teaser' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'link' => class ArrayObject { ... }] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1256
443.449634675528YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveField( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser'], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1317
453.449634675752YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveFieldValueOrError( $fieldDef = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Argument { ... }]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'FieldDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\TypeNode $type = *uninitialized*; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = ['type' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... }, 'args' => [...], 'metadata' => [...], 'extensions' => [...], 'name' => 'teaser', 'directives' => [...]]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] } }, $fieldNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { public string $kind = 'Field'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { public string $kind = 'Name'; public string $value = 'teaser'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $alias = NULL; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }, $resolveFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { protected $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { ... }; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $types = [...]; protected $loadedTypes = [...]; protected $directives = [...] }, 1 => 'resolveField'], $rootValue = 1, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:632
463.451534678216YOOtheme\GraphQL\SchemaBuilder->resolveField( $value = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], $context = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:714
473.451634678768YOOtheme\GraphQL\Utils\Middleware->__invoke( ...$arguments = variadic(1, ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }) ).../SchemaBuilder.php:309
483.451634679232YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Source\Type\ArticleType::teaser( $article = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../Middleware.php:42
493.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getField( $name = 'excerpt', $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../ArticleType.php:574
503.451634679608YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Fields\Type\FieldsType::getFields( $item = 1, $context = 'com_content.article' ).../FieldsType.php:502

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'introtext' of non-object in /home/omring/domains/ on line 580
Call Stack
10.0017405904{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0032417448require_once( '/home/omring/domains/ ).../index.php:32
30.36508273768Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( ).../app.php:61
40.36848505648Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:293
52.264223065376Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:249
62.266023093936Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_content', $params = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:208
72.367023367816Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch( ).../ComponentHelper.php:361
82.367123367816Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch( ).../Dispatcher.php:56
92.385723494664Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'display' ).../ComponentDispatcher.php:143
102.385723494664Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Controller\DisplayController->display( $cachable = ???, $urlparams = ??? ).../BaseController.php:693
112.396223562360Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display( $cachable = TRUE, $urlparams = ['catid' => 'INT', 'id' => 'INT', 'cid' => 'ARRAY', 'year' => 'INT', 'month' => 'INT', 'limit' => 'UINT', 'limitstart' => 'UINT', 'showall' => 'INT', 'return' => 'BASE64', 'filter' => 'STRING', 'filter_order' => 'CMD', 'filter_order_Dir' => 'CMD', 'filter-search' => 'STRING', 'print' => 'BOOLEAN', 'lang' => 'CMD', 'Itemid' => 'INT'] ).../DisplayController.php:121
122.420923706464Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get( $view = class Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView { protected $item = class stdClass { public $id = 2; public $asset_id = 91; public $title = 'Nieuws'; public $alias = 'nieuws'; public $introtext = ' <h1>Nieuws</h1>\r\n<div>\r\n\r\n \r\n</div>\r\n'; public $fulltext = '<!-- {"type":"layout","children":[{"type":"section","props":{"class":"headerCustom","image_position":"center-center","style":"default","title_breakpoint":"xl","title_position":"top-left","title_rotation":"left","vertical_align":"middle","width":"default"},"children":[{"type":"row","props":{"class":"dottedborderWit"},"children":[{"type":"column","props":{"image_position":"center-center","media_overlay_gradient":"","position_sticky_breakpoint":"m"},"children":[{"type":"headline","props":{"content":"Nieuws","t'...; public $state = 1; public $catid = 2; public $created = '2022-12-14 15:02:14'; public $created_by = 304; public $created_by_alias = ''; 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132.421923725400Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView->display( $tpl = ??? ).../ViewController.php:95
142.662825261896Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView->dispatchEvent( $event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE } ).../HtmlView.php:227
152.662825261896Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onContentPrepare', $event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE } ).../AbstractView.php:312
162.665225304080YOOtheme\Application\EventLoader->YOOtheme\Application\{closure:/home/omring/domains/}( ...$arguments = variadic(class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [0 => 'com_content.article', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 3 => NULL]; protected $stopped = FALSE }) ).../Dispatcher.php:486
172.665225304552YOOtheme\Container->call( $callback = 'YOOtheme\\Builder\\Joomla\\Listener\\RenderBuilderPage@handle', $parameters = [0 => class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepare'; protected $arguments = [...]; protected $stopped = FALSE }], $resolve = ??? ).../EventLoader.php:59
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363.440334555760YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:641
373.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $result = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
383.440334555792YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeListValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* } }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles'], $results = [0 => 1], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:871
393.440334556168YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValueCatchingError( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:985
403.440334556200YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:753
413.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->completeObjectValue( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'dynamicArticles'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'dynamicArticles'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType { private $wrappedType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { ... } }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'Query'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:893
423.449334670032YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->collectAndExecuteSubfields( $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $result = 1, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1211
433.449534674536YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->executeFields( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0], $fields = class ArrayObject { private $storage = ['title' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'teaser' => class ArrayObject { ... }, 'link' => class ArrayObject { ... }] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1256
443.449634675528YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveField( $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $interfaces = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $fields = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $extensionASTNodes = []; public $resolveFieldFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { ... }, 1 => 'resolveField']; public array $config = ['name' => 'DynamicArticle', 'resolveField' => [...], 'fields' => [...], 'metadata' => [...]]; private array $fields = ['title' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'content' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'teaser' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'publish_up' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'created' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'modified' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'featured' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'metaString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tagString' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'images' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'link' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'hits' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'urls' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'event' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'category' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'author' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'tags' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'rating_count' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }, 'relatedArticles' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { ... }]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }, $rootValue = 1, $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { ... }] }, $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser'], $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:1317
453.449634675752YOOtheme\GraphQL\Executor\ReferenceExecutor->resolveFieldValueOrError( $fieldDef = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [0 => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Argument { ... }]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'FieldDefinition'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\TypeNode $type = *uninitialized*; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\StringValueNode $description = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = ['type' => class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... }, 'args' => [...], 'metadata' => [...], 'extensions' => [...], 'name' => 'teaser', 'directives' => [...]]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] } }, $fieldNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode { public string $kind = 'Field'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode { public string $kind = 'Name'; public string $value = 'teaser'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $alias = NULL; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $arguments = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { private array $nodes = [...] }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }, $resolveFn = [0 => class YOOtheme\Builder\Source { protected $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { ... }; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $types = [...]; protected $loadedTypes = [...]; protected $directives = [...] }, 1 => 'resolveField'], $rootValue = 1, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }, $contextValue = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:632
463.451534678216YOOtheme\GraphQL\SchemaBuilder->resolveField( $value = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], $context = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, $info = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../ReferenceExecutor.php:714
473.451634678768YOOtheme\GraphQL\Utils\Middleware->__invoke( ...$arguments = variadic(1, ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] }) ).../SchemaBuilder.php:309
483.451634679232YOOtheme\Builder\Joomla\Source\Type\ArticleType::teaser( $article = 1, $args = ['show_excerpt' => TRUE], class ArrayObject { private $storage = [] }, class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo { public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\FieldDefinition { public string $name = 'teaser'; public array $args = [...]; public $resolveFn = NULL; public ?string $description = NULL; public ?string $deprecationReason = NULL; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldDefinitionNode { ... }; public $complexityFn = NULL; public array $config = [...]; private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { ... } }; public string $fieldName = 'teaser'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $returnType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType { public string $name = 'String'; public ?string $description = 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8\ncharacter sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to\nrepresent free-form human-readable text.'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public array $config = [...] }; public ArrayObject $fieldNodes = class ArrayObject { private $storage = [...] }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $parentType = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType { public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $astNode = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { ... }; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...]; public $resolveFieldFn = [...]; public array $config = [...]; private array $fields = [...]; public string $name = 'DynamicArticle'; public ?string $description = NULL; private array $interfaces = *uninitialized* }; public array $path = [0 => 'dynamicArticles', 1 => 0, 2 => 'teaser']; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\Schema { private YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig $config = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig { ... }; private array $resolvedTypes = [...]; private array $implementationsMap = *uninitialized*; private bool $fullyLoaded = FALSE; private array $validationErrors = *uninitialized*; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SchemaDefinitionNode $astNode = NULL; public array $extensionASTNodes = [...] }; public array $fragments = []; public $rootValue = ['i' => 0, 'prefix' => 'page', 'article' => class stdClass { ... }, 'builder' => class YOOtheme\Builder { ... }, 'context' => 'render', 'type' => class YOOtheme\Builder\ElementType { ... }, 'path' => [...], 'parent' => class stdClass { ... }]; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode $operation = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode { public string $kind = 'OperationDefinition'; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode $name = NULL; public string $operation = 'query'; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $variableDefinitions = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList $directives = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList { ... }; public YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode $selectionSet = class YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode { ... }; public ?YOOtheme\GraphQL\Language\AST\Location $loc = NULL }; public array $variableValues = [] } ).../Middleware.php:42

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /home/omring/domains/ on line 15
Call Stack
10.0017405904{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0032417448require_once( '/home/omring/domains/ ).../index.php:32
30.36508273768Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( ).../app.php:61
40.36848505648Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:293
52.264223065376Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:249
62.266023093936Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_content', $params = ??? ).../SiteApplication.php:208
72.367023367816Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch( ).../ComponentHelper.php:361
82.367123367816Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch( ).../Dispatcher.php:56
92.385723494664Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'display' ).../ComponentDispatcher.php:143
102.385723494664Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Controller\DisplayController->display( $cachable = ???, $urlparams = ??? ).../BaseController.php:693
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